香港大學商學院周永頻教授學術講座 2013-05-13 講座題目:Parametric Stochastic Programming Models for Call-Center Workforce Scheduling報 告 人:香港大學商學院周永頻教授時 間:2013年5月15日(星期三)下午3:00-4:30地 點:bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)輔樓333教室AbstractWe develop and test an integrated forecasting and stochastic programming approach to workforce management in call centers. We first demonstrate that parametric forecasts can be used to drive stochastic programs whose results are stable with relatively small numbers of scenarios. We then extend our approach to include forecast updates and two-stage stochastic programs with recourse and provide a general modeling framework for which recent, related models are special cases. In our formulations, the inclusion of multiple arrival-rate scenarios allows the call centers to meet long-run average QoS targets, while the use of recourse actions help them to lower long-run average costs. Experiments with two large sets of call-center data highlight the complementary nature of these elements. 周永頻教授簡介:周永頻從美國賓夕法尼亞大學的沃頓商學院獲得了管理科學與應用經(jīng)濟學的碩士和博士學位。此前他從美國約翰霍普金斯大學獲得數(shù)學碩士學位。自2007年起周永頻在美國華盛頓大學商學院任副教授,終身教職。自2012年起周永頻還在香港大學商學院任教授職。周永頻教授的研究興趣主要是在服務領域的業(yè)務管理。他的研究領域包括隨機生產(chǎn)和服務能力的設計和分配,服務質(zhì)量對客戶的終生價值的影響,供應鏈管理,和收入管理。另外,周永頻教授的研究也涉及運行管理和市場營銷之間的接口領域和運行管理和信息系統(tǒng)之間的接口領域。他的研究結(jié)果被廣泛地在國際一流科研雜志上發(fā)表,包括Operations Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), IIE Transactions, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and Queueing Systems。目前,周永頻擔任Management Science, Operations Research和M&SOM這三份國際一流科研雜志的副主編。周永頻還被美國國家科學基金授予年青學者學術生涯獎。