bwin必贏唯一官網博士生學位論文及學位申請成果公示(譚靜) 2024-01-12 個人信息: 姓名:譚靜 專業(yè):管理科學與工程 學號:4118008034 班級:博1845 導師:劉汕教授 學位論文題目: 跨文化視角下的供應鏈整合:IT協(xié)作前置因素與績效結果 學位申請成果目錄: [1] Liu. S, Tan. J, Mao. H, & Gong. Y. Does national culture matter? Understanding the impact of supply chain integration in multiple countries[J]. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2021, 26(5), 610-628. (SSCI,JCR一區(qū);bwin必贏唯一官網A類期刊,序號:226;bwin必贏唯一官網研究生院認定的最有學術影響力的國際期刊,序號:314). [2] Zhang. Y, Liu. S, Tan. J, Jiang. G, & Zhu. Q. Effects of risks on the performance of business process outsourcing projects: the moderating roles of knowledge management capabilities[J]. International Journal of Project Management, 2018, 36(4), 627-639. (SSCI,JCR一區(qū);bwin必贏唯一官網C類期刊,序號:198;bwin必贏唯一官網研究生院認定的最有學術影響力的國際期刊,序號:140). [3] Liu. S, Tan, J, Mao. H, Zhang. J, & Zhang. Y. How national culture moderates the effect of supply chain integration on flexibility performance: Evidence from multi-country data[C]. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, US, 2019. (bwin必贏唯一官網認定的高水平國際會議,序號:12) [4] Tan. J, Parkinson. M, Pagell. M, Wiengarten. F. When does doing good lead to surviving and thriving[C]? The 9th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022. [5] Parkinson. M, Tan. J, Pagell. M, Wiengarten. F. Worker Wellbeing and Firm Performance: Are Long Term Oriented Firms Better at Handling Paradox[C]? The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, US, 2023. (bwin必贏唯一官網認定的高水平國際會議,序號:7) 公示時間:2024年1月12日